Sunday, September 25, 2011

Comfort zone.. or obedience?

Perfectionism encourages me to not venture out of my comfort zone. If I don't try, I won't fail. If this blog stays blank, no one can scoff at it.

But have you felt Jesus' gentle nudge? To reach out to that person, join a ministry, or follow a dream? Here comes that frightening feeling of stepping out blindly out in faith. To risk being misunderstood, falling flat on our face. What could make the risks all worth it?

We tend to immediately picture the worst case scenarios when stepping out of the box, but have you considered the only way to live God's best case scenario for your life is by obeying his call?

Mother Teresa described herself as being 'blessed with the gift of obedience.' When Jesus nudged her to do something, she naturally responded with obedience. Oh to live as productive and joy-fulled as she did. My track record shows a history of questioning, stalling and running the other way, like Jonah sailing away from Nineveh.

Thankfully our God is a God of second chances. When I'm real with him and confess that my desire is to run the other direction, he's faithfull to equip me with what I need to move forward (the right direction).

Of course the Lord loves to give us opportunity to practice these spiritual truths. Last week our family arrived at church late and rushed to park our car rather tightly. In my haste, I pushed too hard on our car door, leaving a mark on the car parked next to us. I'm ashamed to admit the first thoughts running through my mind: 'they'll never notice' (or at least not until they've parked in a few other parking lots) and 'It's my husbands fault for parking so close' (Is it possible to make a mistake without desiring to throw the blame on someone else?).

Luckily I had time to pray over my reactions, as the owners of this now marked car were already inside. At the Church service, I confessed to God how much I wanted to cower and run the other direction. I prayed for the obedience and courage to do what is right despite what my emotions were telling me to do.

God was faithful to wash away my thoughts of hiding and deceit. I first gained the courage to whisper to my husband what happened. Then upon leaving, I wrote a note for the owner of the Lexus SUV (nicest car in the parking lot), with my sincere apology, my full name and phone number and an offer to pay for the repair. More importantly I left with peace, knowing that I had obeyed God's way of handling this situation.

The owner of the vehicle proved to be a forgiving man who called me the next day and extended grace over the situation and thankfulness for the note. Even falling flat on our face, Jesus can redeem. I am eternally blessed by the grace extended to me by the vehicle owner. He was a reminder of how Jesus took on the scars we leave in our haste and imperfection.

When we begin choosing to 'obey' over listening to our fears we begin a momentum. Imagine what your life would look like with the habit of obedience. Then stop imagining and do it! Take one step today that would bring you closer to God's plan for your life.

Can I pray with you?

Dear Lord,
Thank you for nudging me out of my comfort zone and challenging me to utilize my faith. Give me a clear vision of that one thing I can do today, and help me to obediently do it.  My imagination wants to envision all of the worse case scenario's. But I know the best case scenario's are always in following your will. I am weak, so I will need your strength. When I start to loose heart, remind me as you said in Isiah 41;10, Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Amen.