Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm not alright

I was thinking how entertaining it would be, if we stopped hiding underneath layers of: designer clothing, polite responses and an overall image of being 'put together' and revealed the true state of our heart.

What would you look like right now, if you stepped out in public, with no walls up? Only truthful responses and an appearance that matched your heart.

Would you like a glimpse of how I feel at times?

My hair would be a massive frizzy mess, to reveal the state of my nerves after a few too many yes's and overcommitment takes its toll.

Dark, smudgy glasses would confess how much I fail to notice of God's blessing, provision and grace in everyday moments.
I'd wear a teal green pair of the old 80's ear muffs, demonstrating the way I sometimes tune out God's still small voice, gently guiding me in the way I should go.

Lastly, torn, stained clothing to give a glimpse into the state of my heart when my mind wanders through messy ugly places. Bitterness tears at the fabric. Greed and comparison stain the true colors.

In the spirit of pure truthfulness, I would break out in Sanctus Real's song, 'I'm not alright... I'm broken inside.'

Minutes before I completely loose it, a promising thought shines forth in my mind. "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.'

What a glorious thing to hear, as I envision others reaction of my unsightly, shockingly true self.

I don't have to dress how I feel, or pull out my old hair crimper. I can turn to Christ for restoration. I imagine we would all spend a lot more time on our knees if our appearances depended on it.

He restores my wearied soul. "Come to me all who are wearied and heavy laden, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 10;28. I am reminded of how my savior is not a holy scorekeeper, tracking my accomplishments. His love is unconditional.

He washes my sin stained heart. "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18. Though I am grieved by the state of my heart, what Jesus did on the cross is  so complete it wipes away the darkness and stains. I am able to start fresh once again.

Perhaps I should find a radiantly white sweater to remind me..

Let's pray instead,
Lord, thank you for cutting through the armor of our image, and allowing us to be real with you and the true state of our hearts. Remind us that you are a holy physician who is able to heal our inner disease of sin and restore us to peace. Thank you for those walls we hit at times, that make us unable to go on in disguise of 'having it together." Humble us and bring us to our knees and thus closer to you. Amen.